sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2018

Mais um adendo

Alguém perguntou por qual motivo escrevo
Não sei ao certo, apenas invento
Não contento com esse mundo perfeito, então crio
Nem criei, já existia, estava largado aqui dentro

Sei que sai em forma de tormento, é o que tenho
Não me culpe, está aqui dentro
Minha cabeça parece estar ao relento
Algo incessante, algumas vezes violento

A invenção é onde o criador se molda
Olha para dentro de si, se renova
Mas fica difícil quando nada lhe transborda
Quando a paixão é ou está morta

Palavras sofrem uma alquimia na mente
Quando lê, pensam que me entendem
Como se eu estivesse transparente
Mas posso cansar nesse teclado, não é evidente

Ter tanto a dizer e não saber por quê
Ter tanto para falar e não é possível se expressar
Ter tanto entalado, faz tempo que estou engasgado
Ter vocês, será que não enxergam o anjo triste do meu lado?

Não importa o que crie, sempre me sinto irado
Nunca tem ninguém do lado
Aquelas pessoas que me amam nunca irão entender o que falo
Me entender, não consigo ser claro, é uma espécie de fardo

Sempre dizem coitados
Infelizmente esperam o ato, um novo texto, a nova cena, um recado
Sempre gritei: "tem um abismo no meu próximo passo!"
Custam entender! Tu não lera os de baixo?

Aí me perguntam o porquê escrevo
Escrevo porque me atrevo
Já falei, berrei, chorei, mostrei
Os textos sempre foram avisos, uma prévia do resultado

Alguém perguntou por qual motivo escrevo
Não sei ao certo, apenas invento
Não contento com esse mundo perfeito, então crio
Nem criei, já existia, estava largado aqui dentro, ensopado do sereno

quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2018

With her

 She is water in my head
Dripping dirty words in my ears
Stoping all my breath 
while our mouths meet

She was just a little kid
I used to remember our first kiss
Now, she is sucking my lips
I can't say bad words about her skill

She is a wise woman
We belong together
I was beating up by her bullet

She was a funny girl
I always seemed as Amenadiel
That stupid guy from the beginning of that TV show 

She is not mine
I can't own something alive
Just stay by her side 
Could you imagine another luckiest guy? 

She is unfortunately sinking 
I had told her to take care herself with that water 
I was without air
So I decided to make her stop breathing too

Now she is dead
Now I'm dead
We're dead
But still together, we belong together

She is water in my head
I'm sinking 
No breathing
But we're still kissing 

segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2018

Countless reason why

A long time ago I started trying to write here using the little English that I got, today I will write down a little bit about what is happening in my life. You have been asking why should you read this short text with a lot of mistakes of grammar, and I am afraid to tell you there is not reason to read. But if you still are there, I have to tell you a second thing, I would like if you read this listening 'Timber a chill mix for 2016', I am doing the same now and it will conect us more than just by my simple words.

Is it good, do not you think? Me too. So, let is start my monolog. If you know me properly maybe we had discussed about have a baby and you know that I never wanted to be a father. Well, it will become true in some months! I failed with myself when I said I would never become a father. Please do not tell me anything about plane's God or another bullshit like that, please just don't okay. You problably are thinking why is it something important to me and I will explain the whole thing then.

Since I was a little kid and can remain I am a weird person. Some peculiar (Anything like Mr. Grey, do not get me wrong. hahaha), I still am someone who did not find a motive to breath every day. How can I bring to this empty world another human who problably will feel the same way? Do you think is it fair with him/her? What may I be able to teach him/her if neither I like to live nor dicovered my place in the world yet. I am terrified with the whole ideia.

Someone ask me by message, why I am not posting anything here anymore. Here is the answer, I am scared, totally terrify if will I be able to be a good dad for this child. I do not even like kids, how would it be possible? Out of sudden, like a swicth in my mind, will I start to like child? I really hope so. I will not forgive myself if something bad happens with this kid. Now I understand when parents says they would kill to protect their children (I don't really need a reason, though). I even do not know the reason why... Could you explain me? 

Não, há luz no fim do túnel!

"Em busca de um lar, minha alma antiga clama por um refúgio de luz. Deixei para trás a casa que um dia foi meu abrigo, agora apenas um...