sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2015


  Time ago, I wanted starting to write texts in english, but I was afraid of make mistakes. Then, I let this disare goes away... Today, in middle at the night that disare returns and I am here to talk with you. I don't know why, but I'm here.

  This silence don't let me sleep. I'm not tired, tonight I am like a fire! I feel like I can do anything I want, but I can't. My wife is sleeping now, if I start to run inside the house, for instance, she'll not like me anymore and I don't wanna live alone (smile), Then, I'm here talking with you but in silent.

  Light from kitchen is helping me see the paper. A pen and one paper. My black backpack looks me strange. A knife is close of me because the door is open. I'm naked 'cause I'm in home. My living-room is quiet. That photography over the computer fixed on the wall is looking to me.
  I'm thinking about her... She's my award, I'm not a good guy, but she loves me anyway. That brunette makes me crazy! I'm tell to you a short story: I knew her a long time ago, she was beautiful in the fist time I put my eyes at her and continue with the same beauty. It's hard talk about something else. Maybe 60% of my texts is about her. So I can feel that I am in love, again.

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